
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Labour Day Reading

 WALT: Learn more about Labour day.

This week for reading Room 5 focused on Labour day. We had to fill out reading docs and do a bunch of readings with the teacher. We also had to create a Labour day DLO. My work is down below. 


I found it hard to obtain different info about Labour day because most of the readings given to us werent very different.
I found it easy to fill in the information slots with my own words.
Maybe next time I could work a bit faster, and work with a partner.


This week in Room 5 our Pb4L (Positive Behavior for Learning) Value is Manaakitanga! Manaakitanga can be shown in all kinds of ways, even by little things like by saying please and thank you or just holding the door open for someone. We had to fill out a Manaakitanga slide deck and make a Manaakitanga DLO about what it is to us. My work is down below.

I found it hard to make a Manaakitanga slide deck.
I found it easy to find ways to show Manaakitanga.
Maybe next time I could work faster.

Niuean Language week

 In-Room, 5 we have been learning about Niue. Like in my other posts we had to explore Nuie and its culture. We were given a slide deck we had to fill out and post to our blogs. My work is down below. 

I found it hard to find info about Niue.
I found it easy to fill in the slide deck.
Maybe next time I could work with a buddy to make it easier.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Water Safety With Whaea Nacny

Today in Room, 5 we learned about water safety. We learned things like what to do when there's trouble in the water and who or what to bring with you while swimming. I also learned that Ahipara lifeguards patrol the whole of the far North beaches. There are some photos of us sitting and talking about what to do when you're in trouble when it comes to bodies of water. 

I found it easy to ask questions and understand Whaea Nancy.
I found it hard to remember what Whaea Nancy said last year.
Maybe next time I could try harder to remember and focus more.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Niue Mathematics

WALT: Learn more about Geometry, fractions, and Niue

It's Niuean Language week! For Niuean language week Room, 5 has been focusing on Niue and its culture. In honor of Niuean language week, we had to solve Niuean-related math problems. These problems mainly focused on Geometry, Position, Orientation, and fractions. I worked with my maths group which include three other members. Our work is down below. 

I found it hard to solve the first problem.
I found it easy to work in a group.
Maybe next time I could put a little more effort into it.

Niuean Language Week!

 WALT: Learn more about Niue and its culture.

This week is Niuean Language Week! In honor of Niuean language week Room, 5 had to fill out a slide deck with questions revolving around the Niuean language and their culture. My and my buddy´s work is down below.

I found it hard to obtain all the information I put into the slide.
Maybe next time I could Work indivijually.
I found it easy to work with a buddy.